Wednesday, February 16, 2011

new generation!

don't u ever concern about the tittle.don't u ever consider!
            huh,it's a long time! i've my life while i'm sitting around at the hall of my dad's haus that is a haus.
yeah!it's not my haus..if u reading this and u don't understand at all of what damn i'm writing,u should get a dictionary..yeah.u should!trust me..
today i had a sport on school..badminton..
played with my classmates..what a tired mission dude,huh,then i headed to my class that was not my class neither..i'm just a leader.everybody said i'm a monitor...
             WHAT THE>>*&^%&? are u nuts,..
i'm a human...a son of my dad and my mom.....crazy old dude..
offline dude!!i've a bad ideas and mood...chow...c'ya

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